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The Best Construction Scheduling Software You Need

Micke Paqvalén
27 June, 2024


From winning bids to executing projects on time and within budget, working in construction can be extremely difficult and stressful. But it doesn’t have to be.

It’s no secret that the construction industry lags behind other sectors in the efficient use of digital tools. With the dawn of the internet, contractors and builders have slowly realized the potential of technology to boost their business and help them stay on track when things get tough. 

Organizing everything that goes into a construction project can be difficult and time-consuming, but with a simple construction scheduling software you can maximize your efficiency and accomplish more with less.

Alongside other useful apps such as construction estimating software for creating cost estimates and construction management software for managing a project, scheduling software is the glue that binds a successful project together. Utilizing such digital tools facilitates the management of work onsite or remotely, enabling transparency throughout the project for everyone involved.

With the ability to streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and facilitate efficient task management, project management tools have become indispensable in the construction industry.

What Are the Benefits of Scheduling Software in Construction Projects?

Using scheduling software in construction improves your ability to adapt to the dynamic nature of construction projects. The benefits of using construction scheduling software are many, including:
  • Better Adaptability
Scheduling software in construction enhances adaptability by providing the tools to navigate the dynamic nature of projects. Project managers gain the ability to swiftly adjust timelines, allocate resources, and communicate changes in real-time, fostering agility in response to project requirements.
  • Maintaining Project Efficiency
The adaptability facilitated by scheduling software is crucial for maintaining project efficiency. This adaptability ensures that projects stay on track, even when unforeseen challenges arise—common occurrences in the construction industry—mitigating potential disruptions and delays.
  • Instant Task Updates and Oversight
Scheduling software allows for instant task updates and provides a comprehensive view of the ongoing project. Project managers and general contractors can make real-time adjustments, and having a birds-eye view enables them to respond quickly to changes in the project timeline, enhancing overall project oversight.
  • Mobile App Integration for Real-time Updates
The development of mobile apps for real-time construction scheduling takes adaptability to the next level. Apps like Buildbite ensure that key project information is available to all stakeholders in real-time, enabling collaborative decision-making and increasing productivity.
Overall, construction scheduling software improves your ability to adapt by enabling you to quickly adjust timelines and allocate tasks to meet dynamic project needs, ensuring efficient project management. This flexibility helps mitigate disruptions from unexpected challenges, which is common in construction. Integrated mobile apps, such as Buildbite, take adaptability to the next level, offering real-time information to facilitate collaborative decision-making and enhance productivity for all involved stakeholders.


Construction Scheduling Software Alternatives

Now, let's take a closer look at some of the top construction scheduling software options available in the market. While Buildbite is a standout choice, there are other excellent alternatives worth considering:


A comprehensive and adaptable field management app that includes a task scheduling solution, Buildbite is ideal if you’re looking for construction scheduling software that’s great for smaller construction companies (5-100 employees) with a mobile workforce. The app has an easy-to-use interface across all devices allowing users to quickly understand and leverage all its features from the get-go.

Helping you by streamlining subcontractor coordination with task management, Buildbite ensures project managers can efficiently manage tasks, track time, streamline project coordination, and simplify documentation.

Buildbite offers much more than task scheduling. It's a comprehensive solution for contractors to keep their projects well-organized, efficient, and cost-effective, and you can try it out for yourself with the 30-day free trial.


Procore is a versatile construction management software with powerful scheduling features. It enables contractors and project managers to create, manage, and update project schedules, ensuring timely and on-budget task completion, as well as offering Gantt charts and task dependencies to help users visualize project timelines and identify potential delays. 

Its real-time collaboration features and mobile accessibility further enhance scheduling flexibility, making Procore an important tool for efficient project scheduling, although there is no free trial available.


Great for planning, managing, and tracking project schedules, eSUB is tailor-made for subcontractors, helping them more effectively schedule their time and ensure timely task completion and budget adherence. 

eSUB also offers features like Gantt charts and task dependencies for clear project timelines and critical path identification. As well as this, real-time collaboration and mobile accessibility facilitate seamless coordination and quick responses to scheduling changes.


Smartsheet, a versatile tool in construction, offers scheduling benefits and is accessible on mobile devices. 

It empowers professionals to efficiently manage project schedules, and plan, track, and update tasks seamlessly, whether at their desks or on-site. 


Tailored for custom home builders and remodelers, CoConstruct excels in project and client management while offering valuable scheduling benefits. 

This specialized solution allows professionals to efficiently manage project schedules, ensuring seamless planning, tracking, and task updates. 

Real-time collaboration and mobile accessibility enhance project visibility and communication, keeping construction projects on schedule and within budget. CoConstruct proves to be an invaluable asset for construction scheduling needs.

Each software option has unique strengths and can cater to different construction project needs. To get a clear view of exactly which cloud-based construction scheduling software is best for you, make sure to find construction scheduling software reviews for each.

What Is the Best Construction Management Scheduling Software for Different-Sized Construction Businesses?

Construction projects vary greatly in scale, and the needs of small construction businesses differ from those of large enterprises. Thankfully, there are scheduling software solutions tailored to suit the specific requirements of different-sized construction firms.

In construction, and especially for smaller construction businesses, simplicity and affordability are key. Software like Buildbite, which is user-friendly and cost-effective, can be an excellent choice. It offers a wealth of essential scheduling features to help small teams manage tasks, coordinate projects, and collaborate efficiently. 

On the other hand, larger enterprises often require more scalable solutions. Procore, for instance, is a comprehensive platform that caters to the needs of big construction companies, though at a higher price. It offers advanced scheduling capabilities, extensive collaboration tools, and a great degree of configuration.

Buildbite's user-friendly app, powerful features, and robust security make it a top choice for managing smaller construction or restoration projects, as well as more complex construction projects with multiple teams. Making it a great accompanying tool for teams that are on the ground getting the tasks done.


How Can Construction Project Scheduling Software Collaborate With Other Project Management Tools?

Efficient project management often involves using various software tools to handle different aspects of a construction project. To ensure seamless coordination, it's essential that your construction scheduling software can integrate with other project management tools or match their unique uses. 

This is an added benefit of Buildbite as a more comprehensive construction management software. Offering the same capabilities as other popular project management platforms like Trello, Asana, and Microsoft Project, but tailored toward the needs of a construction professional.

Buildbite is a companion to large-scale project management tools in the construction industry, bridging the gap between high-level planning and onsite execution. While platforms like Autodesk excel in generating macroscopic timelines and Gantt charts, Buildbite specializes in the fundamentals of day-to-day task management on construction sites. This focus ensures that the details of project execution are handled with efficiency, promoting streamlined workflows and minimizing the risk of operational bottlenecks.

Allowing project managers to synchronize overarching plans with the complexity of daily operations, ultimately contributing to the timely and successful completion of complex construction projects.

What kind of training or support is typically offered with construction scheduling software?

Adopting new software can be daunting, and not all apps are simple and easy to use. This is why comprehensive training and support options are crucial when considering construction scheduling programs.

Buildbite, as well as many other leading software solutions, offers a range of resources to help users get started. This includes video tutorials, online documentation, and customer support services, as well as a free trial to help users get to grips with the app before subscribing. 

Buildbite's support and customer success team is known for its responsiveness and expertise, ensuring that users can quickly resolve any issues they encounter while using the app.

The New World of Mobile Connectivity and Data Security

Data security is a paramount concern in construction scheduling platforms like Buildbite, given the industry's handling of sensitive data. Because of this, it’s vital that these platforms employ robust security measures, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access control, to safeguard valuable project data and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to confidential information.

That’s exactly why Buildbite has forged a partnership with Signicat, a leading supplier of digital identity solutions. This ensures Buildbite maintains fast, secure, and reliable logins and data protections to keep your construction data safe. Using similar secure authentication as the leading bank Santander and the finance giant Allianz.

Just as information needs to be protected outside of the business, sharing it within the business is crucial for clear and efficient communication, which is why mobile accessibility is a significant advantage, especially for on-site updates in construction projects. 

Although there are many construction scheduling apps available, few offer a complete holistic package combined with ease of use to boost efficiency and interconnectivity like Buildbite. 

Whether you want to try the free trial or get stuck in straight away, Buildbite is your all-inclusive construction field management tool to help you complete projects in record time, with record profits.

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